Longparish Cricket Club News story

Barry is doing a Marathon

22 Oct 2015


Image result for marathon bar advert

Apologies that should read - Harry is running a marathon.

Harry Martin that is, in order to raise money for refurbishing the nets at Longparish CC.
We all use the nets, and where would we be without them.
Harry has a "Just Giving" page which will be active for four weeks only.

Harry has set his target for money raised at a low mark as he is unsure as to what the response will be. As a guide, new netting will cost around £2000, the last time the surfaces were titivated the cost was £4000, to replace the lot with all new surfaces would be well into five figures.
If you would like to sponsor Harry click on the following link


Forward, retweet, put up a poster, hire a plane with banner behind, but can we get this link out to as many people as possible during the next four weeks, and well done Harry