For every game that a Longparish side play in the Hampshire Leagues and Winchester & District Junior leagues the club are required to provide a brand new bespoke cricket ball at £15 a pop.
There is a requirement for Longparish CC to provide a lot of high end balls in order for sides to take the field.
In recent times some of these bespoke balls have been biffed about the parish and become lost and another ball has had to be sourced, increasing the red ball ledger further.
The club remain grateful to the many people who sponsored match balls to a sum of a degree or two north of £600 last summer which almost covered charges for new nuts and cherries.
The bill for this summer's supply of balls has recently fallen through the club letterbox and we are once again seeking sponsors for match balls for the coming season.
£15 gets your name against a match ball for one game, your name or the name of your business in lights on the scorecard on the website and on a list displayed in the pavilion's trophy room.
If you would like to sponsor a match ball for a senior game or colts game for the impending outdoor season please email and if he remembers (it's an addled mind and it may take a couple of online prods and pokes) he will furnish you with BACS details, addresses to send cheques to or places to leave brown envelopes full of cash.