Hi all,
We had a really good AGM on Wednesday and once the minutes have been prepared I will be publishing them on the website.
However, there are some changes that I thought I’d bring to your attention immediately:-
- Mike Taplin will be the 1st Team Captain
- Dan Bearpark is the newly appointed Media Officer
- Alison Allen has volunteered to co-ordinate fundraising
- A new perimeter fence separating us from the cow/sheep field is to be erected in the next couple of weeks
- A new sightscreen has been ordered and will be in situ in the coming weeks
- Although a number of renewal payments have been made for the 100 Club, Alison will be sending out reminders shortly for those that haven’t renewed
We will be gathering at the Club on Saturday 24 March at 10am to start to get the ground ready for the new season (15 April).
If anyone is available to help, please come along. Initially we’ll be putting up the nets, opening up the pavilion, getting the covers ready and cleaning up some areas of the pavilion.
There will be other snagging jobs which will need to be done between the 24th and the start of the season. I’ll be preparing the list and again asking for people to volunteer to help with jobs which they can do in their own time.
Thanks as always.
Attachments :