Longparish Cricket Club News story

Longparish Presentation Evening passes without incident bar the death of a pig and some crimes against the world of dancing

22 Sep 2011

Another Longparish CC Presentation Evening passed off without major incident. Wello over a hundred gathered in the Longparish Community hall to feast on pig, delight in a large range of puddings and pick over the bones of the season just past. Gongs were dished out (winners can be found in the photo galleries) and Mr Chair's speech endured. Barn Dancing followed at which some excelled and others struggled painfully.
Thanks to all who attended on the night and for making the evening so enjoyable. Thanks to Tina Tognarelli for the myriad of balloons, to Rachel de Cani for the slide show, to Ray Smith and Steve Aldridge for running the bar, to Julie Taplin for organising the puddings, to Julie Sturt for sorting so much out, to Chris de Cani for catching the pig, to Jan Coetzee and Dawn Blackmore for running the raffle and much more besides along with Katrina Samways and Warren Bonathan, and finally thanks to Fund Raising Chairman Carol Aldridge for organising the whole shebang.

It was a really good do, and to date no one has fallen to food poisoning or barn dance related injuries!